Tuesday, May 18, 2021

How to increase Blog Traffic

 5 tactics to increase blog traffic - Fleek Marketing

How to increase Blog Traffic – Ways that work.
This article is a compilation of ideas from my posts, and relates to increasing traffic in any website, as well as to increase blog traffic.
I have gathered this info here into an “Evergreen” page for the benefit of my visitors.
So, how can I make money on the internet, is the ultimate question that we ask ourselves day in and day out, to make money you have to generate traffic, traffic x conversion rate = $. Very simple equation. So, ultimately, how do we increase website traffic to your site. Remember that you are competing with virtually millions of sites that want traffic, so you must be diligent, and work at it continuously.
First, let talk about types of traffic and where it comes from. There are basically six types of traffic sources, this is what “channels” are in Google analytics. If you know this already, skip to below.
Organic Search – This is what generally comes from a search engine such as Google or Bing against a specific search term query. In order to get these clicks your page must rank high for said keyword, this is all interconnected with keywords, i.e., the search term. In other words, organic traffic is very highly connected with SEO.I MAKE MONEY IN FREE BLOGSPOT CLICK HERE > HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE FREE SITE 

 2. Referral Traffic – also organic (non-paid) in nature, comes via articles or linkages, in other words your site was found by way of a referall from another site, not a search engine.
Paid Search – Pay per click (PPC), not organic, you have paid for this click somewhere, Adwords, Bing, shopping sites, through an affiliate, somewhere. You only get this if you can afford to pay for keywords that you think make sense to drive traffic to your site. Keyword research and good copywriting help.
Direct Traffic – Organic, word-of-mouth / off-line referral. Visitors who come to your website via this method, have either bookmarked your site, or perhaps are repeat visitors or simply know your who you are.
Social – This is really referral traffic that comes in from social link, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc, etc.
Email – This is traffic that comes into your site that linked into your site from a email, or an email campaign.
You can see that Items 1-4 are really the basic traffic channels, Organic, Paid, Dircect and Referral, while Social and Email, are really additonal referral channels.
That said, how do then then build and increase Blog traffic.
7. Before you begin: Identify your Niche and Focus – Your site must be focused to a specific idea or a specific audience, hopefully both, whatever you are blogging about, or if you are selling products into a specific niche, to a specific audience. This cannot be understated. The tighter the target product / audience the better. The better you know your niche, the better will be your content, and quality content is paramount. For example, one of our Web Businesses a pottery business, all US and all handmade,
, obviously a boutique and very targeted. The more focused, the better chance to increase website traffic.
Who is your Target Audience: Understand who your target market is by doing keyword research against the target you are trying to get to. Who they are, what they want, what they think, what is their age group, what is their income level? Ultimately, what problem is your site trying to solve or contribute on, what information do you think they need from you. If this is unclear to you, what little traffic you might attract will understand this immediately, and be gone probably forever. You have only one chance to be brilliant, take it!
9. Choose a
Hosting Service that is reliable with plenty of uptime and is fast. One of the choices we like is Bluehost, also recommended by WordPress › Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS
. Go here for more info within our site. You can start with BlueHost for only $3.95 per month, and with that you get a Free Domain name!
Understand and use SEO techniques– Clearly the most important thing you can do when you build and manage your site is to maximize the availability of your pages to users through Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
In a WordPress site for example, I use Yoast WordPress SEO, a plugin that helps every page in your site rank better against a specific keyword or phrase by utilizing a built in device to help you as you create posts and pages more effectively. The better you do at this, the better chance you have at getting better placement within the search engines for organic rank, against various keyword search queries.
This is very, very important. Every page and post in your site must be reviewed for this element and maximized for SEO. If you run a larger site, or an ecommerce site, make sure your SEO copywriting on page is excellent, and you might want to pay an outside expert to help you improve your pages.
Paid Search – If you can afford it, adding a paid search campaign to your web traffic strategy, even a small one can pay off in a big way. Google being what it is, the more traffic you can bring to your site, the better rank it gives your pages, kind of circular. So even if you can afford a small campaign in Google or Bing Adwords, this additional traffic can help your organic rank. I have no organic proof of this, but it does seem to work, and it is logical. Also, you can build very effective local campaigns if you are trying to build a local geographic audience.
Add Original Content to your site – This is said everywhere, but it is true that the more original content you add to your site, and the more frequent, the better organic traffic your site will generate, and the better page rank your pages will get. Even though page rank can no longer be searched on Google (you cannot find specifically how a page is ranked anymore, but you could once!). Whatever you niche is, whether it is blogging about fishing or selling products online, the more specific pages and content you put up in your site, the better traffic you will have. And original content without proper SEO copywriting within the content, and good SEO in the background (as in SEO plugins for WordPress
) is wasted effort.
Page Load Time – Most people do not realize what a critical factor page load time is. Google and other search engines give better rank to pages that load faster, since it improves the customer experience on the Search Engine.
Did you know that slow page speed load time in your WordPress (or any other) site can dramatically reduce your business results?
“Google found that moving from a 10-result page loading in 0.4 seconds to a 30-result page loading in 0.9 seconds decreased traffic and ad revenues by 20% (Linden 2006). When the home page of Google Maps was reduced from 100KB to 70-80KB, traffic went up 10% in the first week, and an additional 25% in the following three weeks (Farber 2006).
Tests at Amazon revealed similar results: every 100 ms increase in load time of
Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more
decreased sales by 1%. (Kohavi and Longbotham 2007).” See the original article Here.
Page load time is a critical part of your SEO work.
Friends and Relatives – When you have finally got your site up and running, done the SEO, added some serious focusing of your content, pages and posts, to the finest niche you can, whether you can afford paid search or not, it’s time to call on you family and friends to come visit your site. Contact everyone you know, in any way you can, to come visit your site, and have them pass it on to their friends and relatives. This can get you a lot of initial traffic, remember, more traffic begets better Google rank, begets better organic traffic. Get you friends to sign up on your email list, and have them pass it on. If your content is valuable, your friends will appreciate it.
Social Media – Of course you cannot get very far these days, without having social media as part of your basic approach to building traffic. The big ones, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Reddit, StumbleUpon, the list goes on and on, must be part of your toolkit, and is appropriate for different kinds of sites, each in their own way. Look at social media as a tool to get buzz on good original content, buzz on poor content is a waste of time. Make sure you have accounts with all of these social services, and use them. If you have a younger audience, this is even more critical.
Photos and YouTube videos – It’s been documented in various place that adding lots of photos (make sure you use your alt text to name them) and now adding focused videos to your site will improve your organic search results. Apparently Google rank images and video above just plain old text, so make sure you add these elements to posts and pages when you create them.
Responsive Site – What is responsive, you might ask, this means that your site will size itself for not only a desktop, but also for mobile, phones and tablets. If you have an older site, or older WordPress

theme, you are missing the opportunity to get mobile traffic. This could add up to a lot of clicks which you don’t want to miss. In addition, now that Google has determined to penalize sites that are not Responsive, meaning not friendly to Mobile devices, it is more critical than ever.
More – What’s listed above is basic and things you must do, there are many more things you might do, so many in fact that you can go on writing for ever. If you got down to point seven, and are continuing to work tirelessly, you should be beginning to see some traffic, but it does take time, you must be patient. Here’s a place I go to get lots of answers to questions and lots of ideas when I run out, you may know it, I answers questions there as well. This place is If you haven’t tried, go there and look for answers to questions, it’s free. I have no affiliation with this site.
More Tactics:
Some of this is repetitive, but worth restating in a slightly different way.
A. Develop a Niche: Start small and pick a small niche target market. Become the expert. It may also limit the number of competitors you need to compete with early on. This is a key element in your success. Write about what you know about and don’t try to compete with the big guys already out there.
B. Post to all the standard Social Networks: Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, also consider StumbleUpon, Reddit. Create a Facebook page and perhaps a Tumblr page.
C. Use Publish in your WordPress posts: If you have a WordPress site, there is a plugin within Jetpack called publish. Here you can automatically publish to your various social network pages in one Click, great timesaving tool.
D. Quality Content
There are three ways people get to your blog:
1) Regular visitors, perhaps friends, who visit your blog regularly, maybe subscribe via the feed.
2) Those who are forwarded a link to a blog post, via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
3) Your blog post shows up in search engine results for a query. If your content isn’t up to snuff, your visitor won’t be around long.
E. YouTube Videos. You can drop a link into your YouTube description and direct traffic from your video channel. Learning how to do SEO for YouTube videos is a skill which can be used to dominate both YouTube and Google.
F. Good Writing: Writing and sharing personal and real experiences is always popular.
G. Timeliness: Write about timely topics (within your niche) that will have relevance to search engines to help people discover your blog.
H. Posting in different places:

Discussing your blog post and it’s topic on Reddit
  • Posting the content on Quora
  • Posting the content on Linkedin Publisher
  • Sharing on Facebook, asking friends and family to spread the word
  • Use all the Social Networks that work for your niche.
  • Before You Begin, You Need Analytics

    Before you begin getting traffic to your website you’re going to need to install some sort of analytics or web stats application. That’s because it is impossible to know if you’ve gotten your 1000 visitors or not if you don’t have some sort of analytics program. Google analytics is one of the best programs out there and will not only help you count the people that are coming to your site, it will also give you a number of other metrics that you’ll want to know later on as you begin to develop more advanced strategies.

    For example, Google analytics will allow you to measure a visitor’s bounce rate. The bounce rate is how long they stay on your website before they go somewhere else. You’ll also see where they go when they leave your website, whether that is back to Google by pressing the back button, or

    onto a different page of your own site. Obviously, your goal is to get them to stay on your site as long as possible.

    Analytics will also help you measure what search terms people use to find your website, which pages they are viewing the most and many other factors that will help you improve your website so that you can get the maximum amount of traffic possible.

    Add Your Website Link Anywhere You Can

    Now, this doesn’t mean that you go around spamming your site on as many websites as possible for posting it places where it doesn’t belong. It does mean that you take advantage of things like your email signature, which could contain a link to your website. There may be other places that you have profiles online where you might be able to post a link to your website legitimately and without spamming.

    Start Commenting on Blogs - Especially the High-Traffic Ones

    Most of the time, blogs will allow you to place your website URL as part of your blog comment profile. That means that if you typed your name as the person that is going to be doing the commenting it would link to your website. Course, if your website is something completely different - like for a product or service - then you want to use your website name instead.

    Find these blogs that allow you to post a URL and link when you register and then comment on them - and make sure that you’re adding valuable insight and that you’re not just spamming and saying random things to get

    your link on there. The more eloquent and insightful you can be the more people are apt to click on your name and see where links to. The name that you used is also something that can entice people to click if you can come up with something clever that will make people want to know more.

    Let Google Know What Your Site Contains

    If you want people to find your website, you’re going to have to make sure that your indexed in the search engines. To ensure that all of your pages are indexed in the all the information is proper and correct you’ll want to submit a site map to Google. If you’re using WordPress there are solutions for submitting site maps that make it much easier than if you are manually designing a website or using a different program. No matter what, you should submit a site map to Google as soon as you want your site and you should update it if your site structure changes drastically.

    You should also check Google regularly and make sure that your site is indexed for the proper keywords and where you are ranking for them. How do you know what keywords you should be ranking for or should be indexed for? Hopefully, you have tried to target a long tail keyword phrase that there isn’t much competition for but that people are searching for regardless.

    For example, if your site sells electronics, choose a keyword phrase that combines a product type with a specific use such as a computer monitor the can be combined with the video card for multiple monitor setups. So your keyword phrase might be “computer monitors for multiple monitor setups”. People are going to be searching for that particular phrase, but there isn’t going to be near as much competition for that is there would be for the phrase “computer monitors”.

    Write Indispensable Content

    Another way that you can get traffic to come to your site is to write indispensable content. This means that you write content that people simply can’t live without. The information is so good, or so well-written that they simply must share it with others because they know that you’ve solved a problem that many other people are experiencing with your content.

    Of course, writing indispensable content is easier said than done but if you have a few dollars to spend you can hire a freelance writer to create something amazing. Make sure that you specify exactly what you’re looking for and come up with the idea beforehand, and make sure that it is edited and as polished as possible before publishing.

    Use Fiverr or another Similar Site

    Fiverr is a website where you can hire people to do things for five bucks. There are many people offering traffic services for five bucks on Fiverr. Of course, you kind of get what you pay for, so the traffic that you get may not be quality traffic or may not stick around for very long but the point is, you can spend a few dollars and get some people coming to your website.

    There are other websites out there as well that offer more comprehensive and expensive services in fact there are entire companies that revolve around getting traffic or optimizing your website for search so that you can start getting a huge flow of potential customers. You may want to consider hiring a SEO service if you can afford it - but make sure that you do your

    homework and you find one that has a great reputation and has actually gotten results for many, many other websites.

    Encourage and Participate in Comments

    When you post something on your site you definitely want to encourage people to comment on whatever the content is. You can do this by adding a line to the very end of your article inviting them to voice their opinion or answer a specific question. The reason that you want people to comment on your content is that every single time someone posts a comment you get indexed for new keywords and Google and your chances of getting discovered through search engines goes up.

    For that same reason, try to respond to every comment, or at least a few of them. This is a great way to get your site indexed for more keywords and participating with readers will make them want to come back and read the next thing that you write or publish. Never disable your comments or make it difficult for people to register to be able to post, such as requiring an admin to approve their account before they can make a comment.

    Become Social on Social Media

    You can discuss getting traffic to your website without talking about social media. Social media is the number one way to get the word out about your website, but it is only effective if you already have a following. If you don’t even have social media accounts of this present time, or you have just started them you are going to have a very difficult time getting people to visit your site through social media. However if you already have a following on Facebook or Twitter posting a link every once in a while - particularly when you publish something new - could get you some new traffic.


    There is no one best way and no magic trick to drive more traffic to your blog. But there are a couple of things you can do to improve your SEO, marketing, and social media efforts. It’s a combination of strategies, that will generate more from organic search, drive more people to your site, and help you to grow a loyal blog community.

    And, you will need passion, patience, and persistence to make your blog successful. But this will pay off in the long run.

    Here are 7 tips & tools to drive more traffic to your blog

    1. Know your audience and create exceptional content
      The better you know your target audience, the better you can create content that matches their interests. Look out for topics that get much engagement in social media. Audit your social media followers, comments, but also social communities and discussions on your topics. Look for frequent questions and challenges that come up and look for gaps in coverage. Is there anything you can add to your posts, that will make your post stand out. Create help content, tips, and guidelines that your target audience will remember as a useful resource of information.

      Tool Tip:
      Try out the WordPress plugin
      Easy Blog Ideas
  • to help you find top performing content to help you never to run out of topics and ideas.
  • Include keywords in your content
    Keywords are key elements of optimizing your pages and posts for the search engines as well as for your audience. Do a thorough keyword research. Try to discover, how your audience refers to the topic you are covering, what search terms or hashtags they are using. Use these keywords to search for topics you can write about and include these keywords in your meta tags and descriptions as well as in your copy, headlines, lead texts, links and image descriptions.

    Tool Tips:
    Use keyword tools like Google Keyword Planer
  • or Long Tail Keywordsfor your keyword research.

    Yoast SEO plugin
  • for WordPress to help you with basic SEO and check your posts for focus keywords, meta tags, and descriptions, and Flesh index for readability.
  • Optimize your content for readability
    Search engines preferably rank sites that are fast, responsive and user-friendly. Make sure your blog posts are easy to read. Use short paragraphs with headings and subheadings, bullet points and lists to make your posts easy to skim and scan.

    Tool Tips:
  • for proofreading, and the Hemingway Editor
  • for readability, grammar and style.
  • Use Visuals: create images, infographics, and videos for your content
    Visual content is more likely to get shares, likes, and comments than text messages. And, visual content can drive additional traffic from images search in search engines and social media.
    Illustrate your marketing contents and social media posts with photos, infographics, and videos. You don't need to be a professional designer to create professional looking visuals.

    Tool Tip: Use tools like Canva
  • to create unique graphics, infographics, motion graphics and share pics or Moovly
  • to create animated videos easily.
  • Display social media follow icons and share buttons on your site, your posts and your visuals
    In order to turn your blog readers into social media followers, make sure you place social media follow ikons in visible places on your website. Also, place social media share buttons on the top and bottom of your posts and also on your visuals. This will encourage your blog visitors to follow your social media channels and to share your posts.

    Tool Tip:
    Try the
    Super Socializer - WordPress Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin
  • to place share and follow buttons on your site.
  • Email- and Newsletter Marketing
    In order to turn your website visitors into loyal blog readers and subscribers, grab their email address to hook them to your blog. By offering a blog subscription, all subscribers will be automatically informed whenever you publish a new post. With a newsletter, you can send news to your subscribers, whenever you have important news or stories to tell. Email subscriptions will encourage your readers to come back to your blog.

    Tool Tips
    Try the
  • mail Subscribers and Newsletters plugin for list building and email marketing to turn your website visitors into blog and newsletter subscribers.

    And try the
  • plugin to create popups, a welcome bar and other opt-in forms for lead generation.
  • Promote your posts and contents on social media
    However great your content is, you need to promote your blog consistently. Social media help your content to build authority, incoming links and reach. The better the engagement you receive for your content on social media the more this will help your ranking and visibility. Sharing your content on social media helps you drive more traffic to your site. There are multiple social sites to share your content as well as your visuals.

    Share your content on Twitter, Facebook, but also think of Google+, Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, and Flickr, and also on LinkedIn, if your content is business-related.

    Also share your content to relevant Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn Groups or Reddit Subreddits.

    Share your content on Social Bookmark communities such as Diigo, Delicious or Digg.

    Re-publish your content on Medium, Tumblr, Bloglovin’, Quora, and LinkedIn Pulse.

    Share and cross-promote your content at different times and days across social networks and customize your comments with personal comments, hashtags or handles for each channel. Use
    social media automation for scheduling and consistency
  • .

    Tool Tip:
    The WordPress plugin
    1. helps you to schedule and share, auto-post and cross-promote your blog posts directly from your WordPress dashboard, with individually tailored social media posts and at the best times to post on each network.

    Learn more about how to optimize your posts and promote your blog for more traffic and engagement: Get a free guide and checklist

    Free Complete Guide for Social Media Sharing

    More tips and tools for your blog:

    10 Tips & Tools to Promote your Blog Post after Publishing [Checklist]25 Best Wordpress Marketing Plugins You Must Have in 2018
  • This post will probably be focused on shocking manners through which you can generate more visitors to your own site using the Social media while there are several recipes to get more visitors to your blog or website.

    I don’t think I need to begin defining what social media are, but this post will focus simply on how to get traffic from LinkedIn, twitter and Facebook.


    Facebook remains the largest supply of site traffic after search engines to most sites and you are yet to start using the energy of facebook traffic and in the event you are a blogger then I think it high time you get going. To boost your site traffic with facebook, do one or all of the following:

    Facebook groups are just one of the best places to get targeted facebook visitors to your own Website or website. All you need do is to join groups which are related to your specialty and share the link to your own site posts on such groups. So ensure that you simply proceed through the conversations on such groups and then provide relevant links as at when due. Let’s say, you have a site that focuses on the best forex robots in the market. Whatever you need do to get traffic to the Website is really to join facebook groups that are connected largely to forex promotion, then share the links to your own blog post.

    If you happen to be one of the few that believes getting traffic is dull, then I believe that you should create a facebook fan page. Whatever you need do is to get fans to your facebook fan page then share the hyperlink to your own blog post on your page. You should ensure the name of your facebook page portrays the main theme of your site, if your site is about acne remedy, you then should create a fb page containing the key word “acne treatment” this will help you to get search engine traffic to your page as well as free traffic from facebook search. More also, it's also advisable to use facebook ads to get a fan base that is huge therefore helping you in get more visitors to your site or website. You may also use facebook Post boost to get more views to your page upgrades.

    Facebook Advertisements: With facebook advertising, you will get unlimited targeted site traffic to your own internet site or blog, you can check here and here for one among my post on what steps to take to to produce facebook advertisements and the way much its will cost you.

    Aside being a social network, twitter can also be a great way to obtain traffic for the blog or site. Infact, most people are starting to spend additional time than facebook on twitter. So to improve your site traffic with twitter, ensure that:


    You produce a twitter handle for your site or brand

    You raise your twitter followers with those who are personate about this issue you might be blogging on, this will go a very long way in ensuring that you simply get targeted visitors to your blog from twitter. One way to do this is to beg people to follow you or purchase twitter followers either or with twitter advertising

    You tell other twitter followers to Retweet your Tweet. One simple method where you are able to do this can be by utilizing twitter retweet services such as Justretweet. Whatever you need do is submit your tweet to such sites and you get enormous traffic. You may also politely ask your blog readers to tweet your posts for you personally by including a button that is tweet within and below your Post. Ana Hoffman does this frequently and I'm fairly certain its working


    LinkedIn is a social network created to bridge the difference between workers and employers, unlike twitter, it as some similar attributes with facebook. I get traffic from LinkedIn by joining LinkedIn groups which might be related to my market, so for every post that I make on this particular blog and some other blogs, I make utilization of the Societal Share Buttons below my Post to automobile share on in this groups, along with the result continues to be awesome.

    In conclusion, Internet Search engine traffic remain the very best source of targeted traffic, but social media traffic from LinkedIn, twitter and facebook may also go a considerable ways in upping your customer base.

    Do you have a contrary opinion to any of the points there's a specific social network you want me to increase to my list, or I highlighted previously? Kindly utilize the ACHI INFO

    below and I'll be glad to read your idea.


    Hello! Let me tell you some methods how i get free traffic and views on your site.

    1. You can make pins and publish it on pinterest
    2. Add meta descriptions and alt texts in your images.
    3. Make info graphics and post it on social platforms, it will be interactive for the audience.
    4. Answer to people's questions on forums and add your link there at every answer or in your profile bio.
    5. You can also get some views by blog promotion groups on telegram and whatsapp. You can search directly for whatsapp and telegram groups for blogs on google and join them.
    6. Use facebook to advertise and boost your pages. You can also add your websites to your bio on social networks, if you have good connections and in good number to get some views and new users.
    7. Last and most effective, atleast rank on page 1 in one keyword. So, that your page is visible on top when someone will search for that keyword and they probably will sign up for your blog, if they find your blog interesting.
    8. Make your blog SEO optimized and seo will help you in getting views automatically.

    Before starting getting you should follow this advice, be always patient will doing because this doesn't take hours to have thousands of views at first but it is a constant process of work, but it will be worthwhile. So, be patient.


    You can’t rely on your blog alone. Unless you have hundreds of thousands of followers, you can’t depend on your content (no matter how good it is) alone to get more traffic. The internet is full of platforms that can help you attract more attention to your blog. I suggest you use more than one at the same time.

    1. Look no further than the website you posted this question on. Quora is a beneficial tool that you can use to get free traffic to your website. You can copy and paste your articles on Quora, getting more exposure to your content.
    2. Facebook can be used for other purposes than sharing cat videos. Start a group related to the topic of your blog, or follow an already existing one. Be active, and engage with other members. Start discussions, and try to provide value. Having done that, you can subtly refer people to your blog.
    3. You can use Instagram and Canva at the same time. Create pictures using Canva and include parts of your blog either in the image or descriptions.
    4. Start a youtube channel. Youtube is a powerful source for free website traffic. You can make videos about the topic of your blog. If you don’t know where to start, there’s no shame in learning from other YouTubers.

    There are many, many more platforms that you can use to shed light on your blog. I find that the key is to be patient and consistent. If you would like to see an in-depth tutorial on the free methods you can use to increase generate traffic, make sure to watch this video


    If you are a budding entrepreneur than the building a website is a foremost step that you need. Once you have set your brand’s digital storefront, the next step would be to build marketing strategies to bring extensive traffic to your website. It is not necessary to follow the brick-and-motor store anymore, where there is so much that the digital market can offer to you. Virtual visitors are very much better than those random patronizers. Virtual visitors could be potential buyers, who are keenly interested in your business. This is a good way to get a loyal clientele for your product.

    eCommerce website is not only beneficial for big enterprise but also the small ones and even start-ups can give it a test-and-trial chance. With this customized website business, owners can sell their products and services to potential customers. With the age of the internet, consumers no longer want to venture to local streets and prefer the convenience of eCommerce digital shops, instead. They would get the comfort of online resources to sit back at their homes and order while making it a flexible solution for both business owners and buyers.

    But that is just the beginning of the competition that you are about to witness. In 2020, the challenges are only going to raise the bar higher than last year. We are going to tell you ways to boost traffic to your website and enhance it for a better conversion rate to your business.

    Below we have presented below a few strategies to experiment in order to increase traffic on your eCommerce website, this 2020:

    Never Leave SEO Behind

    SEO is just too essential for eCommerce marketing, which was an excel in 2019 and not going to leave its essence in the market. There are a plethora of options that are available with SEO to perform on your website. You can practice target keywords phrases and producing high-quality content. You can support that with short meta descriptions to offer a better understanding of your audience. You should have knowledge about keywords research and use core keywords to target preferably in the headline of your blog.

    You can also add it to your creatives for the article to post. URLs are there to help you out more with the search results, which you can embed in your keywords. Make sure these URLs are SEO-friendly.

    Well yes, if you feel a tad bit overwhelmed grasping all about seo, it’s totally fine. It is recommended to hire a professional online marketer. They will guide you to optimize the page with their expertise in the industry.

    Use Long-tail Keywords

    If you already running a high domain authority (DA) then you are already at advantage. And you have no idea what a DA is? Well, it is a search engine ranking score that ranges from 1 to 100. It basically predicts the future ranking of your resultant pages- based on its popularity, size and age since it’s inception.

    Now talking about keywords, short-tail keywords are the ones that are frequently searched; but it is quite difficult to rank them on search engines. On the other hand, using long-tail keywords can work like a charm and have comparatively high-ranking chances for queries. High-ranking is directly proportional to driving more traffic to your website. You would require to use relevant terms and phrases to make your mark on the ranking. Long-tail keywords are your way to go.

    A Landing-Page Check

    There are multiple approaches for guest blogging available for you. One of those ways could be finding related blogs supporting your industry and reaching to check if they accept guest posts from you. Now here trial and error would be best to go with because you will have to face a lot of rejection. Well, that’s a price to pay for reaching out to a new audience.

    Another way is to go with a firmly established audience platform, like Medium or Quora. You can resolve the problem that is raised by people with your blog. This would deliver a long, detailed and informative answer to queries.

    Strong Backlink

    A backlink is as simple as it sounds, it links your website to another website. You can take advantage of complementary businesses or industry influencers to generate backlinks that create an impact on a larger audience. This will help to attain more traffic to your website, and in order to do that, you should take any help requires. To your benefits, Google also picks up on backlinks, therefore there is a great chance that you gain trust in your brand. This will advantage to build a greater reputation and trust before your potential clients.

    Everybody trusts Google and ranking there is what will bring you customers, which leads to managing more traffic. Hence, work to get the attention of Google with quality backlinks, and it will bring you a loyal clientele base.

    Email Marketing is the Next Move

    Do you know your readers? If don’t then there is where you are lacking! It is essential to communicate with your users (on a more personal level). That is how you truly connect with them and build authentic trust.

    Sending regular newsletters and promoting offers via email should be included in your marketing strategy. This has proven to be a great way to be in touch with your audience. Not only this, it helps you get traffic on your website. You can announce about latest offers and schemes that include in your strategy or provide other useful information and a link directing to the pages on your website. In this way, your audience can learn more with given blog posts, landing pages for offers and schemes and more.

    Keeping a tab on email alerts is vital’ you don’t want to bombard your readers with emails. This might cause you losing interest in your customers and unsubscription from your mailing list.

    Extensive Engagement

    There is no harm to be active in online groups and other websites that are relevant to your business and services. This would lay a helping hand to attain more traffic. You can engage with this website by commenting on a blog and social media posts, and answering question-related to your belonged industry. You can participate in conversations that are in interest to your business. With enhanced engagement with your community and contributes to providing more information and exposure.

    Social media is another way to get engagement. This could turn your engagement into another platform for the brand’s traffic. It is suggested not to include links to your website in comments, it may be seen as spam and could lay a negative impact on your business reputation.

    Credit: Sparx IT Solutions


    Web Traffic is the ability of acquiring people to click on your website. There are many people who have conversed about the traffic making in a comprehensive way.

    Here in this article we will spotlight on Twitter. We will talk about how you can utilize plans on Twitter to find more traffic.

    Twitter and Traffic Generation:

    Twitter is one of the most essential social media websites these days. So, you can employ twitter to acquire more traffic from it. There are many people who are not utilizing twitter to its fullest abilities. Furthermore, only a small ratio of twitter clients are the clients of your tweets, as twitter is reconstructed every second. Here in this article we converse about target/people specific tweeting ways, re-tweeting ways, rewording, messaging, provides and get love ways and many more.

    Rewording and Re-tweeting:

    Rewording and re-tweeting is good, you can rephrase the tweet and re-tweet it. This rewording and re-tweeting is the best way than plain re-tweeting. Both of the tweets appear different although they link to the same page.

    Target/ Audience Specific Tweeting:

    When you are on twitter then you have to share one of the links. In place of tweeting it, you can rephrase it to be “audience specific” so that the users who are in your community will click your link. Utilizing audience specific re-tweeting will assist you to acquire more traffic from a definite audience. You can also rephrase your tweet based on the headings, subheadings and article. This method can provide you an actual benefit by producing more traffic. There is one more aspect that manages this method: tweeting timing and frequency.


    1. Patience is the key

    While all the steps that you will read below are proven to work and if you follow them correctly you will be able to increase your blog traffic, it won’t happen overnight.

    It may not even happen in 5 or 6 months. How long it will take

    depends on a number of factors and what is important is to have patience so that you don’t give up too soon.
    2. Optimize your blog for SEO
    3. Publish Quality Content

    For most people, there is nothing new here but for beginners, it should be made clear that publishing content online is not enough.
    4. Publish Frequently

    Once you figure out how to make good content, the next step is to be able to produce (publish) good content on a regular basis.

    Consistency is the most difficult but yet important part of being successful in blogging.

    5. Promote your Content in the Social World

    Don’t just publish content but promote it as well. Your ‘job’ is not finished when you hit the publish button. Creating and publishing blogs is the first part of the blogging equation, the second part is to promote your content so that it gets the attention it deserves.

    6.Craft Titles That Can Get You Rankings And Traffic

    This is related to the previous point and what you need to understand in addition to keyword research is the importance of choosing page titles that both search engines and people can understand.

     Traffic generation doesn’t start after you’ve published a blog post ; It starts right at the planning stage.

    Here are the strategies which can increase traffic on your blog:-

    1. TOPIC SELECTION:- If you are going to write on a topic that no body is interested in you’re not going to get traffic, no matter how good your content is .

    Reading a lot of other blogs and forums can be a great way to start.

    2. PICK A CONTENT TYPE:- A study by BUZZSUMO found that infographics and list post received more shares than any other content type.

    3. ADD VALUE :- It’s time to think about how you can position your content to stand out from all the rest.

    4. WRITE MORE ENGAGING HEADLINESS:- Your headline is a promise and you should always devliver on that promise.

    5. MAKE YOUR CONTENT MORE VISUAL:- Create a unique featured image, visualize data with graphs and charts , embid a video.

    6. MONITOR TRENDS AND WRITE CONTENT AS TREND:- The key here is to monitor for new trends and be one of the first to write about that.






    GOOGLE TREND:- This will show you a graph of how interest has increased or decreased over time.

    BUZZSUMO:- It will show you which topics are generating the most social shares

    SEMRUSH:- From this you can final out exactly what keywords your competitors are ranking on google and get an estimate about traffic.

    CoSchedulis Headline Analyzer: for headline research

     If you want to get lifetime continuous traffic on your blog, then you have to do 5 things which will be discussed below. 1 Always put real content on your blog, do not copy anything from anywhere, work hard and write it yourself. 2 Do not post on your blog for the purpose that I will get a lot of money from this, rather write for this purpose that if anyone comes to your blog and reads the post you have written, then always get help by reading the readers, so that He has come to your blog. 3 Apply the content that you put on your blog to yourself and see if what I have written in this post is the person in front of you who will come to your blog and read the post, will it be beneficial for that person? 4 Write a post on the blog that does not require any person to read your post after reading your post, in 5 people, create confidence in your blog that you will never do wrong and you will never speak out again on your blog A lot of traffic will come

     There have only one good way. That is White Hat SEO off Page optimization techniques. Off page optimization have huge techniques. You have to add and do follow link building. The right keyword choice and select is also a best way to earn and generate traffic from search engines for the life time. You have to follow keyword metrics. Your blog should need to have a quality back link or link building with important keywords hyperlink method.


    Here are some methods you can follow to get free traffic to your blog:

    Use Social Media.

    Facebook, Instagram, even Twitter are great tools to get you more visitors. You can either start a page, share content, gain followers then start promoting your website, or you can look for niche related groups where you can self promote your website as a way to provide help for the group members.

    Make Videos on YouTube.

    Youtube is a great way to self-promote your website and gain massive traffic. You can do that by making a tutorial or solving problems for people while promoting your website inside the video & in the description. It’s a pretty old method but it’s still a good one.

    Write Catchy Titles.

    Click-baits get us all, don’t they? But try to make “Quality” click baits (like we used on this article’s title hehe). Use catchy words on your title like: (FREE, NEW, BEST, GUESS WHAT, THE SURPRISE IS…). This kind of words really help to get a lot of clicks you know?


    You can get unlimited traffic and both money when you have quality content for both users and search engine.

    Yes, their is lot of best quality content rank less by google and result in drop of oragnic traffic that contribute 79% of your Blog traffic.

    You should SEO optimize and have unique qunality (quality + quantity ) contents. You shoul focus 80% on quality and 20% on quantity.


    Familiarize yourself with SEO, first and foremost. SEO is like a language that will help you to gain more traffic with every action you take in your blog.

    Check out Google's keyword checking tool to find keywords your site can feasibly rank in.

    Once you understand basic SEO tactics, generate meaningful, original and engaging topic that users will want to see.

    From there, it's about generating content that is unique, and that appeals to your audience.

    There is no easy fix for "unlimited free traffic"; it is an investment of time, hard work, and usually, money.


    Organic SEO, social media growth. The best option for you is via social media as SEO and ranking on Google will take a long time (though I do know how to get your page ranking on Google in no sooner time).

    Growing your following on social media ensures that there are a lot traffic you could just push your posts or your brand and products to and they will readily buy from you as they see you as an authority.

    And platforms where this approach is best taken are Instagram and Facebook. The problem is you might not be able to do this and more so, you need to focus more on your business and core expertise rather than social media and so you need a professional to handle that for you and get you results while you relax and focus on your core expertise.

    If you ever need to implement these strategies and more for the growth of your business and revenue, do send me a message and I am more than happy to help and serve you. Take care.


    Unlimited? not possible for free.

    the CLOSEST thing would be to build a personal brand following of thousands/millions of fans and then promote your blog link to them, but of course that would take a lot of time.

    dependung on how many fans you build it may se like a lot of traffic but the only real way to have unlimited traffic is paid traffic.


    It is known to all that the best way to get traffic is by Google and you should pay attention to SEO

    There are so many ways to bring traffic to your website that you use Facebook. Use WhatsApp you use Instagram. You use telegram There are so many ways that you can get traffic to your website.

    Quora is also a great way to bring traffic to your website because when people ask for a question, then post a link to your article.

    Thank You 


    The most effective method to Increase Blog Traffic for Free :

    • patience is the key.
    • Upgrade your blog for SEO.
    • Distribute Quality Content.
    • Distribute Frequently.
    • Advance your Content in the Social World.
    • Do your Keyword Research.
    • Art Titles That Can Get You Rankings And Traffic.
    • Do Some Guest Posting.

      If you are looking for real traffic, Babylon is not the way to go. Taken right from their website “We offer an online generator of fake traffic: With Babylon Traffic, create traffic bots and send millions of geo-targeted fake visitors to your own website!”.

      If you want unlimited free real traffic, I’d suggest creating dynamite blog articles that people can’t resist sharing.

      Good luck.

      I would say the best thing to do is using backlink
      That is posting your blog link to other website comment .
      using good key words. for you to use key words is really helping but of you don't know how just download yandex browser it helps.

      I will recommend ifttt website for traffic it is the best website for more traffic each time you publish an article it helps you post it on any media to understand how to use ifttt or more info check it on my website below


      Let us first analyze what StumbleUpon actually is before talking about the ways to get more site visitors from StumbleUpon. Why so? Because, even though it is getting a fair following, it is still commonly unheard-of by the public system.

      StumbleUpon is designed based on a public system support, and a research support. Members perspective sites according to their passions and are given the job of analyzing them.

      Free Unlimited Traffic on Website or Post or Blog

      How to Increase Blog Traffic for Free

      1. #1 – Patience is the key.
      2. #2 – Optimize your blog for SEO.
      3. #3 – Publish Quality Content.
      4. #4 – Publish Frequently.
      5. #5 – Promote your Content in the social world.
      6. #6- Do your keyword research.
      7. #7- Craft titles that can get you rankings and traffic.

      #8- Do some guest posting.


      There is only one way: be interesting.

      But because there is no ultimate form of interesting, you will have to focus. Choose a relevant topic to write about, and a target group of people that should be interested.

      With ‘interesting’, I also mean for Google: write regularly and follow the basic SEO tips (use keywords, use subtitles, use images etc.).


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